Abigail Chandonnet


Massage Therapy

Abigail Chandonnet is a registered massage therapist that has been serving SD&G since 2022. She treats with the goals of improving athletic performance, treating injuries, and contributing to the overall wellbeing of her clients. She uses various techniques that include traditional Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, instrumented soft tissue therapy, and influences from Thai massage.

Dr. Sara Brand



Dr. Brand is a graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto, ON and has been serving her hometown of Cornwall & Area for seven years. To further her chiropractic education, Dr. Brand has completed training as a Graston(R) Technique Specialist, contemporary medical acupuncture provider, Webster technique practitioner, and a Selective Functional Movement Assessment practitioner. Additionally, Dr. Brand has completed her Yoga Teacher Training and Sports First Responder courses, which she does in her spare time. She is passionate about delivering the best care to her patients and is dedicated to helping you reach your goals.

Francis Seale


Registered Holistic Nutrition

Hello! I’m Franny.

I completed my studies in Holistic Nutrition in 2017. It started out as a personal journey to learn how to build a better relationship to food and feel better. No more guilt or stress around eating, more energy, better sleep, better mood and no more digestive issues - yes please!

The more I learned, the more I was in awe of the power of nutrition. Our health is determined by the way we nourish ourselves, and health is wealth! If you aren’t feeling well physically and mentally, all aspects of your life are affected. I started implementing the things I was learning, and every area of my life improved. I realized I would have missed out on so much in my life if I had never made these changes. It became my mission to share what I learned to help others find peace with food and learn how to use it to feel their best so they can go on and make the most out of their life.

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